Thursday, November 18, 2010

Partner Organizations Chosen for Challenges!

Things are getting exciting! Woo-woooot! We're laying all the groundwork right now so we can start rolling on these projects.

Challenge 1:
Create Change without $change$ - February
A wise man once said, mo' money mo' problems. Well we have no money, and no problems! For February's challenge we are teaming up with the Down Syndrome Guild of KC. One thing we're looking into is helping with some programming to entertain and hang out with these wonderful kids. A meeting with DSG tomorrow should help give us some more ideas of ways we can help.

Challenge 2:
See-A-Need -> Fill-A-Need - March
Ever heard of Children's TLC? Shazam! Now you have! Spaces Inc. is spearheading this effort to help make this awesome place even awesomer (yep I just made up a word), and hopefully a bit more warm and inviting for the kids, parents and families. We're also looking into a specialized bike for kids with disabilities. Everyone at TLC is so passionate, and it's contagious! But in a good way, not like the chicken pox.

Challenge 3:
Grow Change -> Create Hope – April
For Challenge 3 we have decided to work with Community of the Good Shepherd and help them with a large community garden among other things. Hopefully this will give the adult residents a place to get their hands dirty while also complementing their diet with some fresh vegetables. Who doesn't like fresh vegetables?? Small children for one, but they'll grow to love them someday!

Bonus Challenge - A Door too Far - May-???
Operation Breakthrough
Project Change Bonus Edition!!! We just can't get enough of Operation Breakthrough; what a great organization. We're excited to continue our work and maintenance on the outdoor classroom at Operation Breakthrough. This summer may also serve as a great opportunity to have all the kids and their families gather in the classroom for a little summer bbq and party! I call not being the grillmaster!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Challenge Projects Almost Chosen!

The Spaces/Burns & Mac team met after the PC Kickoff Meeting and decided on the 3 (err...4) groups we wanted to work with, and projects we have in mind. There were too many great groups to chose from for the given challenges, so in addition to doing our 3 Team projects, we also decided to do a 4th to continue our work with Operation Breakthrough! Project leaders for the other 3 challenges have been assigned and are now working with the beneficiary groups to see what we can do to help them. The project scopes will be narrowed at the next meeting, and more information will be available for the Lunch and Learn (informational) meeting at Burns & Mac Monday December 6th. The wheels of Change are turning!